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How To Maintain Your Fireplace

How To Maintain Your Fireplace

Taking care of your fireplace can make a significant impact on the aesthetic and overall appearance of your home. More importantly, regular maintenance will be integral to keeping you and your family safe. In this blog, we share a few tips to keep your fireplace in good condition.

Keep The Surround Clean

Did you know that soot, ash and debris all pose a fire hazard? For this reason, it’s important to keep your fireplace surround as clean as possible. If you struggle to find time to clean your surround after each use, once or twice a month will suffice. A good sweep will help to remove most of the debris, but you can also wipe the surround with warm soapy water and a soft cloth.

Hire A Chimney Sweep

Hiring a chimney sweep is one of the best ways to maintain your fireplace. Whilst cleaning the surround is relatively straightforward, other jobs, such as cleaning the flue, are best left to the professionals. What’s more, a chimney sweep will be able to check for any structural issues, remove blockages and carry out any necessary repairs. 

Don’t Throw Foreign Objects Into The Fireplace

Resist the temptation to throw any foreign objects into the fire. Although many people may innocently chuck paper or plastic in, this can be incredibly dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. This is because these materials are often toxic, and can produce dangerous fumes which can harm your lungs.

Care For Your Fireplace All Year Round

Your fireplace is an important part of your home, and needs to be checked regularly to ensure it is safe. While it may not be used during the summer, don’t put off caring for it until the winter. There are a few jobs you can do at home, such as cleaning the surround or checking for blockages. However, you should arrange an appointment with a chimney sweep at least twice per year to ensure your flue is clean, clear and safe for use.

Expert Fireplace Inspection & Care With Pebble Beach Sweeps

If your fireplace is in need of some TLC, get in touch with our experienced team today. Correct maintenance of your fireplace and chimney will ensure that your home is safe.


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